UGAL - Scientific and Cultural Dialogues

Keynote Speaker

Boris Rubinsky

Professor of the Graduate School
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Prof. Rubinsky Boris received his BSc and MSc from the Technion in Israel and the Ph.D. from MIT. In 1980 he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley and later the UC Berkeley Bioengineering Department, of which he was one of the founders. At UC Berkeley he was the Chancellor’s Professor and the Silverman Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering till 2008 and is now a Professor of the Graduate School. From 2007 to 2009, he took a leave of absence, to found the Department of Bioengineering and the Center for Bioengineering in the Service of Humanity and Society at the Hebrew University that brought together Israeli and Palestinian students. PhD graduates from that program are now Professors at top Israeli and Palestinian Universities. Rubinsky’s research spans numerous areas, from plasma arc welding in space to Weierstrass - Mandelbrot modeling of turbulence. He contributed to various fields of bioengineering, pioneering several leading medical technologies, which he led from pioneering the concept to developing the clinical practice and commercialization. Noteworthy are the technology of imaging monitored cryosurgery which is now the clinical standard of the field, the technology of nonthermal irreversible, which is now clinical and at the forefront of minimally invasive surgery, the technology of non-invasive electromagnetic detection of internal bleeding which is in clinical trials, MEMS technology for single cell analysis which is now ubiquitous and many others.
Boris Rubinsky received the H.R. Lissner Medal for recognizes outstanding achievements in the field of bioengineering.
Title: Bioengineering Technologies – From Pioneering Concepts to Clinical Practice
Abstract: The presentation will expand on some selected topics in bioengineering, which I have developed from fundamental concept to clinical practice and commercialization. They include: the work on imaging monitoring cryosurgery, which is now the clinical standard, and which I developed from pioneering the concept to clinical implementation and commercialization; the fundamental work on freeze and cold resistant animals, which led to the first company that commercialized transgenic animals for food (salmon) and the work on genetic engineering modeling; the work on medical imaging that includes: optical imaging, internet and cell phone based imaging, electrical impedance tomography, all of which led to the commercialization of FDA approved electromagnetic spectroscopy for non-contact detection of internal bleeding; the development of the first MEMS device with a live cell for genetic engineering and diagnostic – which is now ubiquitous; pioneering the concept of non-thermal irreversible electroporation (NTIRE) (which is now clinical and at the forefront of minimally invasive surgery) - which I lead from pioneering the non-thermal concept to technology development to commercialization. I will also mention briefly the ongoing research in my lab which includes: temperature controlled 3D cryoprinting, isochoric cryopreservation and a new NTIRE based technology in regenerative medicine for which I will show how pancreatic islets become incorporated and produce insulin and glucagon in an in vivo NTIRE decellularized matrix in the liver.



Keynote Speaker

Ștefan Dascălu, MA DPhil (Oxon)

Immunology Researcher and Healthcare Consultant
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Dig Worldwide Ltd, United Kingdom

Ștefan Dascălu is an Immunology Researcher at the University of Oxford and a Healthcare Consultant at Dig Worldwide in the United Kingdom. He completed his doctorate in Interdisciplinary Bioscience (Immunology) at the University of Oxford, where he also studied for his MA in Biological Sciences. Ștefan contributed to national and international COVID-19 pandemic mitigation efforts through various activities including governmental consultancy, public health communication, and advisory responsibilities in vaccination and epidemiology. Alongside these activities and a number of academic publications in immunology and public health, Ștefan received several prestigious awards, including the Social Impact Award (2021) from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and a Knighthood of the Order of Cultural Merit for Scientific Research from the President of Romania (2022). Ștefan is also a strong advocate of faith-based community engagement for public health, and his contributions during the pandemic led to him being awarded the "Order of the Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs" (2021) from His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Titlu: „Viitorul digitalizării şi interdisciplinarității în sistemul sanitar românesc”
Abstract: România se află pe primele locuri din lume la numărul de specialiști IT pe cap de locuitor și are printre cele mai rapide viteze medii a internetului la nivel mondial. Totodată, România investește foarte puțin în sistemul național de sănătate, unde încă există probleme majore cu digitalizarea serviciilor și generarea unor baze de date destinate îmbunătățirii actului medical. Această prezentare va ilustra perspectivele naționale și regionale folosind ca exemple situația unor boli transmisibile și netransmisibile, subliniind potențialul colaborării interdisciplinare pentru a aduce un beneficiu substanțial pacienților din sistemul public de sănătate. Totodată, recomandările pot fi generalizate pentru a fi aplicate și altor țări, având astfel utilitate și relevanță pentru comunitatea internațională.

